Defeat your Debt
How to Eliminate your Debt
This course is for people who want to be debt free. I am going to teach you how to eliminate your debt.
I wake up one morning at 6 o’clock. The phone is ringing. It’s the bank. You are overdue on your car payments, says the voice. This is about the third or fourth of the month. I do not remember his name as I was fast asleep before the call. If we do not see payment by midday today we are going to repossess your car.
I did not know then that those folk were paid to do this kind of work. Because the work is not nice. They are doing it so that they do not get into debt. They are taught certain skills just to eliminate any resistance.
I went off at him, how could he phone at this time of the morning. He waited until I was finished ranting. He hears words like mine everyday. He said, "As long as you owe money to the bank we will call you whenever we want to. Good morning". And he put down the phone.
I get home and the electronic gate does not open. I click the remote to close the gate. Then try to re-open the gate and it will not open. I get cross and jump out the car cursing the bloody gate. Only to find there is a huge pile of paper stuck in the gate. What the heck is this? I open it up and its 5 copies of a summons for our home. The bank wants to foreclose on my home loan.
If you cannot come up with the money, your home goes on auction. They sell the home for an amount for much less than what you owe on the loan. You are now responsible for the outstanding amount. The difference between your bond amount and what the sheriff sold the home for. (the law is changing so that the banks must sell for the outstanding amount).
It is better for you if you are able to negotiate a deal without lawyers’. When lawyers get involved with your debt repayments. They take half of what you are paying. Your debt then takes that much longer to pay off.
You are literally a slave. You have zero options. The banks have all the options. This is the modern form of slavery. We don’t know about slavery. Slavery is when you have no rights. The owner can do what he wants with you. He can kill you. Just like a dog. He owns you, you are his possession. That is exactly what you are when you owe money to the bank. You are a possession of theirs until you pay the debt, or until they take a judgement against you. Then they take every one of the things that you have. Including your ability to make a future income.
You now no longer have the status with your friends or colleagues. Wherever you go, you hide or avert your face. What embarrassment and shame.
Losing money hurts.
1. But, losing your family is infinitely worse. Your relationships break down. Firstly, with your family. You blame your spouse. Then the children are at fault.
2. Then your colleagues are the ones to blame for your downfall. For whatever reason, you can come up with.
3. Then your friends. Funny when you are perceived to have plenty to splash around. You have a mega number of friends. When you are on hard times, where are the friends?
4. When you are battling. You start to have sleepless nights. You toss and turn in your bed. You have nightmares. How are going to survive? Am I a loser? What am I going to say to my spouse? You start taking sleeping tablets to make you sleep.
5. Depression sets in. You contemplate suicide. Then off to the doctor for antidepressant tablets.
If the above example's are relevant to your situation. Then why not Sign-Up for the course.
Do you know that the government and the financial institution all say you must get out of debt? You must save as much as you can. But this is a myth. You have to buy things.
When you over-spend. When you overextend in all avenues.
Then you get into financial trouble.
Do not be a slave to your creditors. Get back to enjoying the good life with your wife and children. Avoid all the un-pleasantries I have sketched.
Getting into debt is never your fault.
Here are some of the reasons we get into debt. There are many more.
Divorce is a wholly unpleasant experience. There is blaming, Screaming. Total unpleasantness. No speak. The injured spouse says they are going to sue the pants off you. Stomping out the door. Leaving you in a vacant home.
If the ex-wife to be, works or does not work then at least half of the man’s income goes to her. All assets are split, between the two spouses. This causes great emotional problems.
If the children are under 21 then there is child maintenance. The children also have a hard time to adjust. No more extracurricular activities. No more designer jeans and shoes. Some emotional trauma at school and a need to go to counselling.
Medical Expenses or Illness
You are driving to your holiday resort with your family. When out of the blue a vehicle smashes into to your new SUV. Besides yourself, you have your wife and two children in the SUV. Luckily your wife and children only have some minor injuries. You have been hit on your side of the vehicle. You have a broken knee and your back is in agony. You go off to the hospital and you must undergo an operation. You will be off work for 2 months.
Now how are you going to live? Yes, your company will give you extended leave. But the cost of the operation not covered by medical aid is $22,000,00. Where are you going to get that money? You have to ask the banks or your Boss for assistance. But, how are you going to pay them back?
Loss of Income
Lost your job? Life really sucks.
Now, what are you going to do? Find another job. But where, in the present economy, nobody is hiring. You claim the unemployment insurance. That will just see you through for the next four months. Then what? Stress, contemplation of suicide. Your wife threatens to leave with the children. More stress. All the “friends” who said you must call them when you are in trouble. Gone, disappearing down the rabbit hole.
Do any of the above resonate with you? If not, please write to me and let me know what your specific debt crisis is. Use the comment block below.
If this resonates with you why not Sign-Up for the course.
If you have got this far. Then it is because you are in a debt crisis. Or you want to get out of debt fast?
Let us start taking action before we get caught by the creditors.
1. You want to structure your affairs.
2. You want to feel better because you are now in control.
3. You want to ensure you and your family’s survival.
4. You want to improve your relationships. With your family, your colleagues and your friends.
5. You want to sleep better.
6. You want to stop taking those drugs that the doctor prescribed for you.
Then the first thing is to look at my course. Secondly, to implement the suggestions.
Why do I want to help you?
I too suddenly lost my job. When this happened, I wrote to the Banks and explained the situation. They just were not interested in helping me. We had to sell our home for less than half its market value.
On top of this, I could not find employment. When I was shortlisted for a job, I was told, I was too experienced. The employment agents all want a very young person with 10 years of experience.
I am committed to helping as many people as I can. Helping them with ideas to get out of debt. I especially want to help you save yourself, to save your family and to save you from embarrassing situations.
By doing the course you will achieve the benefits listed below.
1. The Freedom to Choose - You can spend your money on whatever you choose.
2. Relief from Anxiety - You feel immense relief. Knowing that you do not have to worry about making debt payments.
3. More Fun - You begin to enjoy life again. Doing things without having to worry about the expense.
4. Better Financial Health - You can now use your credit score to get better bargains.
5. Increased Security - If you do become unemployed. You can look for another job without worrying about finances. You could even think of starting a business.
6. Increase your Savings - No debt also means you can funnel money into your savings account.
7. The Freedom to build – Build your own dream. Not to live someone else's dream, but your own.
I am all
about bringing value to people. I measure myself based on your success. If you
do not get value from this course. Then I do not deserve your money. I am all
about being honest, straight forward and transparent. That is why I am able to
sell this course with a clear conscience.
Should you be unsatisfied with the course you may cancel within the first 30 days and I guarantee that all payments you have made will be refunded.
The guarantee eliminates all risk on your end. So you have nothing to loose. You can rest easy knowing that you are safe and protected with your investment.
Think about it. You will be busy for the next month and for the next six months. Like exercising more and eating healthier. You just have to do it! If you do not act, many stumbling blocks could face you. From morale problems, relationships, embarrassing foreclosures; to name a few.
Act Now and Sign-Up!
Your Instructor
Hi! I am Eddy Middlewick and I am here to teach you how to go from where you are to where you want to be, one step at a time.
I have over 20 years of Project Management experience with IBM and in the airline industry.
Over the period with IBM, I had extensive opportunities to coach the people I managed in my various teams.
In 1998 I joined the airline industry as a Project Manager. I had more opportunity to improve my skill in coaching people.
The reason I left the industry was a change in the management structure. I was asked to leave a sort of retrenchment.
In this course, I reflect on all the ups and downs of being retrenched and owing money,
Once I had sort of stabilised my life I started my own business helping people pursue their own dreams.